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Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Veterans Day was even more special for our Bernardo Wills Architects design team, as we got to celebrate the redesign and rededication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Riverfront Park.
#ThrowbackThursday East Valley High Valley HIgh School Track Field Restoration
Throughout the 1990s, Bernardo Wills Architects worked on a series of projects for Spokane Public Schools to rehabilitate and renovate their high school athletic facilities.
New York Times Covers the Completion of the Catalyst Building
Here’s a Good Read: The New York Times covers the completion of the Catalyst Building in the University District.
#WorksiteWednesday North Bank Playground Update
At the North Bank Playground at Riverfront Park, crews are working on the operations and maintenance building interior systems.
CSO Tank 26 Plaza Downtown Spokane, WA
The CSO 26 Plaza design was one of the most interesting and challenging projects we have worked on.