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Bernardo Wills Unveils New Name and Branding
We have made some great changes to our leadership structure this year.
Latah Creek Golf Course ADA Ramp Landscaping
As golf season wraps up, the Latah Creek Golf Course ADA Ramp landscape is filling out.
Drone Footage of the East Valley Athletic Fields
Check out these drone images of construction at the East Valley School District High School and Middle School field sites.
High School Reunion Tour Visits ICCU Arena
The landscape is filling in nicely at ICCU Arena.
Latah Creek Golf Course Ramp Complete
Some folks in our office got to spend the perfect weekend weather at Latah Creek Golf Course and captured the new ramp for us.
#WorksiteWednesday Big Changes at East Valley School District
AM Landshaper crews are busy moving dirt at the East Valley High School site.
Bernardo Wills Architects Celebrates Earth Day!
With interdisciplinary design, our goal is to harmonize with nature as we impact the built environment.
Union Stadium in Mead, WA
In 2017, as the first step in the District's bond efforts, the Bernardo Wills Architects landscape architecture team was retained to assist Mead School District in preparing a 27-acre master plan for the redevelopment of existing natural grass sports fields, a transportation/refueling facility, and a maintenance and operations facility.
Atlas Mill Waterfront Remediation
Check out the view of the Atlas Mill Waterfront project in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
Liberty Lake Regional Park Phase I Improvements Announcement
We are pleased to announce that Bernardo Wills Architects has been selected to provide landscape architecture services to Spokane County for the Liberty Lake Regional Park Phase I improvements.