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Drone Footage of the East Valley Athletic Fields
Check out these drone images of construction at the East Valley School District High School and Middle School field sites.
#WorksiteWednesday Valley Dermatology's New Facility
Check out the construction progress at Valley Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center's new facility.
Spokane Valley Fire Department Panel Install
It’s a big week at the Spokane Valley Fire Department’s new operations and maintenance facility.
#WorksiteWednesday Big Changes at East Valley School District
AM Landshaper crews are busy moving dirt at the East Valley High School site.
#WorksiteWednesday Spokane Valley Fire Department Maintenance Facility Groundbreaking
Our first trip to the job site for the new Spokane Valley Fire Department Maintenance Facility was groundbreaking!
Vivacity Care Center Final Images
Here are the final images of the Vivacity Care Center in Spokane Valley, WA, completed with Meridian Construction.
Bella Tess Landscaping
We made a visit to the Bella Tess Apartments in Spokane Valley to check on the landscape as it matures.
Ridgeline High School Dedication
We had the honor of attending the Ridgeline High School Dedication this week.
STCU Opens Argonne Branch and Home Loan Center
It’s a new month and a new beginning for STCU – congratulations on the opening day of the Argonne Branch and Home Loan Center.
#ThrowbackThursday East Valley High Valley HIgh School Track Field Restoration
Throughout the 1990s, Bernardo Wills Architects worked on a series of projects for Spokane Public Schools to rehabilitate and renovate their high school athletic facilities.
Empire Eye Physicians Construction Update
Construction at the Empire Eye Physicians' new clinic and surgery center is well underway in Spokane Valley, WA.
Empire Eye Physicians Groundbreaking
A hearty congratulations to Empire Eye Physicians on the groundbreaking of their new clinic and ambulatory surgical center in Spokane Valley.