Transforming Spaces: The Story Behind the Post Street Bridge Deck Design

The Post Street Bridge project involved collaboration with KPFF Engineers to develop multiple concepts for a bridge deck. This project exemplifies our commitment to community engagement, design innovation, and seamless integration with the urban environment.

Community Engagement and Concept Development

As a sub-consultant to KPFF Engineers, we embarked on the bridge deck project by first engaging with the community. We presented multiple design concepts during the public engagement process, seeking feedback from residents on what they envisioned for the bridge. This collaborative approach ensured that the final design reflected the community's needs and preferences.

Based on the feedback gathered, we developed a preferred concept that addressed various functional and aesthetic requirements. The bridge deck was designed to accommodate pedestrian connectivity across the river, vehicle use, and the Centennial Trail. This multipurpose approach aimed to enhance accessibility and usability for all.

Design Features and Landscape Architecture

Our design team focused on preserving the stunning views of the falls while ensuring pedestrian space and public safety. One of the key features of the bridge is the guard railing, which was specifically designed to be somewhat transparent. This design choice ensures that views of the falls and distant landscapes are not obstructed, while still providing adequate protection for vehicles.

The City of Spokane's standard historic pedestrian lights were incorporated to maintain continuity across the bridge from downtown to the north side of the river. This element not only provides functional lighting but also enhances the historical character of the bridge.

To create a welcoming and engaging space for pedestrians, we included site furniture such as benches and brightly colored planter boxes. These elements add interest and human scale to the bridge, encouraging people to linger and enjoy the surroundings. The bright orange planters were designed with flexibility in mind, allowing them to be easily moved and rearranged for large public events held on the bridge deck.

Integration with Urban Streetscapes

The landscaping and pedestrian safety considerations also influenced the transition spaces at either end of the bridge. Our goal was to seamlessly integrate the bridge deck into the existing downtown urban streetscapes. This involved thoughtful design of the transition areas to ensure they complemented the surrounding urban fabric.

The project not only enhances connectivity and accessibility but also contributes to the aesthetic and cultural value of the area. By preserving views, providing flexible public spaces, and integrating seamlessly with the urban environment, the bridge deck project reflects our commitment to creating architecture that is both innovative and enduring.

From Beginning to Built

At Bernardo Wills, we believe that successful architecture is distinguished by its response to context, program, and culture. Our work on the bridge deck project with KPFF Engineers highlights our dedication to community engagement, innovative design, and seamless integration with the urban environment. We are proud to contribute to projects that enhance the quality of life for communities and create spaces that are both functional and beautiful.

If you are interested in learning more about our projects or how we can collaborate on your next architectural endeavor, please contact us. We look forward to transforming more spaces and creating lasting impacts through our design expertise.


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