Holiday Giving: Lumen High School

The second community organization we will be supporting this holiday season is Lumen High School. Lumen High School is a public charter school that is committed to empowering two generations by providing high academic standards, a specialized early learning center, and wrap-around supports to meet the layered needs of teen parents in Spokane County. Lumen is rooted in belonging, social justice, and the empowerment of their staff, students, and their children so that a young person’s role as a parent will not be at odds with their role as a student. Students grow as parents by learning essential skills needed in order to raise healthy children and as scholars by deeply engaging in academic coursework. Each student follows a personalized pathway leading to graduation prepared for future goals and contributions to their communities. Our gifts will contribute to their lending closet, ensuring their students have plenty of diapers, wipes, and formula this season. We thank the Lumen staff for the impact they are making on two Spokane generations with their work.


Transformation Tuesday at the South Hill Numerica Credit Union


Gift Wrapping for Vanessa Behan